We have been following the journey of Vexus boats. We checked out the unveiling of the Vexus AVX1980 online on their website and thru Social Media. Just being honest with you, the Vexus looks like one sexy boat. Oh man, I like what I am seeing.
I never rush out and buy anything when it first comes out. I like to read real-world reviews and judge from there. That being said, I will wait a year to reserve my judgment. I want to see one up close, hopefully, we will have a dealer around where I live and I will be able to check one out top to bottom. Top notch quality does not come cheap, and these boats are at the top in terms of price for an aluminum boat. The reality is that you get what you pay for. Time will tell if Vexus boats are priced right and people take to them. Hovering around the 40k mark for a fully equipped Vexus AVX1980 (The way we want it) can be a hard pill to swallow. Below are pricing sheets that were unveiled at the 2018 Bassmaster Classic.
Take a few moments and check out the Advantages as Vexus likes to call them to get a better understanding of the thought that went into these boats.
Thoughts? Who will be the first member on the TinBoats forum with a Vexus boat?
URL: Vexus Boats
Could you write another post on this going into a little bit more detail? I had some questions that weren’t answered here but I liked what you had to say on the subject. Love to hear more of your perspective.