Are you ready for a turn-key all-electric bass boat? Do you have $32,500 to pay for it? If so, you can pre-order the Pure Watercraft Tracker Pro Team 175 TXW. While I think there is a market for all-electric bass boats, I just can’t see someone forking over 30k plus for a tracker boat. What is Pure Watercraft thinking? I don’t think they know anything about the average Tin Boat owner or what they need and want. The price point is just too high in my opinion. If you want to do some research on this boat, check out the Pure Watercraft Tracker Pro team link here. The boat equipped with two batteries will have a top speed of 24 mph and you will get about 20 miles before needing a 5-hour recharge unless you have 240V which will just require 90 minutes. These are things you need to think about before going down this path. It’s sort of like buying a Tesla.
Is the Pure Watercraft Tracker Pro Team 175 TXW going to be a winner? I don’t know, I don’t see many people forking over that much coin for an all-electric bass boat. Most will stick with modding their jon boats and sticking with what is currently out there for electric propulsion.
Like everything new, it has to be tinkered with, let them come up with better batteries again and you may have a winner. The cost is too expensive but over time it will come down, there’s no doubt that govt’s around the developed world are pushing this tech. so you’d better sit tight, it’s coming, like it or not.
i for one cant wait tell the battery becomes more efficient for boats. i did a little research on this boat and motor it has a 20 mile range at 25mph top speed. the motor is more equivelant to a 50hp. the battery pack is a 350v 8.8kwh which equates to a 25ah draw battery.
so to get this to be a little more practical you would need 2 of these motors and it may get you in the 30-40mph. thus 2 batteries.. this of course will only get you going for about an hour so you would need 4 times the battery packs so this would equate to 8 batteries and now we are back down to 25mph lol.
on the other hand if speed is not a big deal and you love to fish like i do then this could be an unbelievabl trolling machine. can you imagine the control you could have if you had the right trolling motor with the right depth finder hooked to this motor and the right software. no more kicker, no more fumes no more noise and the dang thing would dang near troll by itself lol. add a battery pack or two and you could troll all day at any trolling speed.
i cant wait to see how this boat dose.